Lawson Hurricane & Other Disaster Preparedness Checklist
Where will you or your family be when a disaster strikes? How will you find each other?
Emergencies and disasters can strike quickly and without warning and can force you to evacuate our neighborhood or confine you to your home.
What would you do if your basic services: water, gas, electricity or telephones were cut off?
You can cope with a disaster by preparing in advance and by working with your family as a team.
Follow these steps:
Get Informed
Make a Plan
Assemble a Kit
Maintain your Plan and Kit
Make a list of important Non-Emergency numbers for Fire & Police.
Choose an “Out of Town” contact. Following a disaster, family members should call this person and tell them where they are. Everyone must know the contacts phone numbers. After a disaster it is often easier to make a long distance call then a local call.
Plan for those with disabilities and other special needs.
Copies of all important documents:
Insurance policies, photo ID’s, financial records, vital family records, birth and marriage certificates, social security cards, passports, wills, credit cards, deeds and immunization records ideally should be stored in a safe deposit box or other safe location. If not copy and store in a waterproof portable container
Inventory home possessions with a camera or video camera.
Cash and Coins.
Establish a meeting place for family members should your home or neighborhood need to be evacuated. Lawson Meeting Place / Designated Emergency Shelter is the Millhouse.
Assemble an Emergency Preparedness Kit is a collection of basic items a family would need to stay safe and be more comfortable during and after a disaster.
3 - 5 day supply of water, 1 Gallon per person per day for at least three days.
3 - 5 day supply of non-perishable food
Kitchen Supplies and Cooking Utensils
Vitamins, Minerals, Protein Supplements.
First Aid Kit and manual
Prescription medicines, eyeglasses, contact lens solution and hearing aid batteries purchased well before the storm.
Battery powered, solar powered or hand cranked radio / NOAA Weather Radio
Cell Phone, Whistle, Hand Mirror
Sunscreen and Hand Sanitizer
Dust Masks, Plastic sheeting and Duct Tape for Shelter in Place.
Flashlights with extra batteries (1 per member of your home)
Personal hygiene items: Paper products, Plastic Bags in all sizes.
Several days worth of clean clothing, rugged shoes, blankets, sleeping bags and pillows
Portable generator if possible
Supplies for Pets: food and extra water
Supplies for Infants & Children, formula, diapers, medicines, bottles and pacifiers etc..
Baby Wipes (even if you don’t have children)
Tools: Wrench, Plyers
Manual Can Opener
Fire Extinguisher
Matches in a waterproof container
Paper cups, plates, plastic utensils and paper towels
Paper and Pencils
Books, games, puzzles or other activities for children
If the electricity goes off…..
First: Use the perishable food from the refrigerator
Then: Use the food from the freezer. If the door is not opened often, food should be good for 2 days.
Finally: Begin to use non-perishable foods and staples
Take a CPR Class
Take the NIMS / ICS 100 course offered on FEMA website
Learn how to turn off water, electric and gas at the source
Learn how to text message
Other Online Resources: